Fotos von Fady Ayoub

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  • 0 Referenzen
  • Spricht fließend Arabic (Egypt), English; lernt zurzeit German
  • 32, Männlich
  • Mitglied seit 2018
  • Translator at SURV Linguistics DMCC
  • Faculty of Engineering - Ain Shams University
  • Aus Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
  • Profil zu 100 % vollständig

Über mich

Hello, fellow explorers and hosts! I'm Fady, a 32-year-old Senior Translator at SURV Linguistics DMCC, hailing from the vibrant lands of Egypt. With a heart that speaks in native Arabic, fluent English, beginner German, and currently embracing the rhythmic beauty of Spanish, I am a linguist by profession and an explorer at heart.

My journey is fueled by an insatiable curiosity for culinary delights, cultural wonders, and the melodies that dance through the diverse landscapes of our world. From the art of Latin dance to the intricate flavors of a well-brewed cup of coffee, my interests are as varied as the destinations I dream of exploring. I'm a dedicated volunteer, an avid technology enthusiast, and a gardener finding peace in the growth of each seed. Board games, writing, and crafting are my go-to activities for a cozy day in, while photography, wellness, and animal welfare capture my heart when I venture out.

As a digital nomad with a community-oriented spirit, I cherish the connections made through shared experiences and cultural exchanges. My travels are a quest for understanding, driven by a deep appreciation for the history, languages, and traditions that weave the fabric of each place I visit. From the majestic Philae Temple in Aswan to the historical depths of Alexandria's Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa, my adventures are stories of immersion and discovery.

In every journey, I seek to be not just a visitor but a part of the local tapestry, engaging in local customs, savoring traditional cuisines, and leaving a piece of my heart in every corner of the globe. As Helen Keller once said, "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all," a mantra that inspires my every step.

As your guest or host, I bring an open heart, eager to explore, learn, and exchange stories and skills. Whether it's teaching a language, sharing tales of distant lands, or simply enjoying a quiet moment in the presence of new friends, I believe in the power of travel to forge bonds that span continents.

Comfortable with pets and flexible in my stay, I look forward to the laughter, learning, and lasting memories we'll create together. Let's embark on this adventure, embracing the beauty of our world and the diversity of its people.

Looking forward to sharing stories and experiences with you!

Warum ich bei Couchsurfing bin

Why am I on Couchsurfing? At the heart of it, my journey here is driven by a profound belief in the power of connections and the transformative experiences that arise from truly immersing oneself in the world’s diverse cultures. I'm Fady, a 32-year-old Senior Translator from Egypt, fluent in the language of my homeland, Arabic, as well as English, with the melodies of German and Spanish currently coloring my linguistic journey. My profession allows me to navigate through cultures via language, but it is through travel that I truly experience the soul of these cultures.

My passion for cultural exploration, from the ancient streets of Aswan and Alexandria in my native Egypt to the varied landscapes and communities I dream of visiting, is what motivates me to embark on this adventure. I find joy in the simple acts of sharing a meal, participating in local customs, and contributing to the communities I visit, whether through volunteering, teaching a language, or exchanging stories that bridge our worlds.

I consider myself a cultural explorer, a nature lover, a history buff, a solo wanderer, and a volunteer traveler, driven by a desire to learn and grow from each place I visit. My travels are not just about seeing new places; they're about experiencing life through different lenses, understanding the many cultures that exist within a single country, and discovering the shared humanity that binds us all.

Being on Couchsurfing enables me to live out my philosophy that "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all," as Helen Keller once said. This platform offers me the unique opportunity to meet like-minded individuals and hosts who are open to exploring together, sharing our lives, and learning from each other in the most authentic ways possible. Whether it’s engaging in culinary explorations, dancing to the rhythm of local music, or simply enjoying the quiet moments that reveal the beauty of everyday life, I am here to embrace it all.

I bring with me not just a backpack and a camera, but a heart full of stories, a mind eager to learn, and a spirit ready to contribute and make a positive impact in the lives of those I meet. Comfortable with pets and flexible in my approach, I am looking forward to building lasting friendships, sharing experiences, and being a part of this global community that values diversity, connection, and the endless pursuit of understanding.

So, why am I on Couchsurfing? Because I believe in the journey, the stories, and the incredible connections that travel fosters. Let's explore the vast, beautiful tapestry of our world together.


  • writing
  • literature
  • performing arts
  • photography
  • diy
  • music festivals
  • festivals
  • animal welfare
  • education
  • gardening
  • technology
  • board games
  • cultural studies
  • economics
  • science
  • social work
  • volunteering
  • cultural immersion
  • travel
  • learning languages
  • dance
  • theatre
  • innovation
  • learning
  • culinary
  • cultural exchange
  • latin dances
  • cultural tourism
  • crafting
  • wellness
  • birdwatching
  • travelling around the world
  • musical theatre
  • cultural events
  • music,
  • coffee and tea
  • volunteering work
  • psychology.
  • skills
  • festivals and concerts

Musik, Filme und Bücher

Music: World Music, Latin Dance Music, and Jazz and Blues (Manu Chao and the Gipsy Kings. Salsa, Bachata, Reggaeton, and Merengue, Marc Anthony, Shakira, and Prince Royce, Miles Davis, Nina Simone, Norah Jones and Michael Bublé)
Movies: Cultural and Travel Documentaries, International Cinema, and Inspirational Biopics and Historical Dramas ("Baraka," "Samsara," and Anthony Bourdain’s "Parts Unknown" series, "Amélie" (France), "Y Tu Mamá También" (Mexico), and "The Motorcycle Diaries" (Latin America), "The Imitation Game," "Into the Wild," or "Selma,")
Books: Travel Literature and Memoirs, Cultural and Historical Fiction, Non-Fiction on Psychology, Economics, and Innovation ( "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert, "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho, and "Into the Wild" by Jon Krakauer, "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini and "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel García Márquez, "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" by Yuval Noah Harari, "Freakonomics" by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, and "The Innovator's Dilemma" by Clayton M. Christensen)

Eine tolle Erfahrung, die ich gemacht habe

Organizing a Multicultural Festival in a Local Community

Lehren, lernen, teilen

Teach: I'm passionate about bridging cultural gaps through language and storytelling. With proficiency in Arabic and English, and a journey through German and Spanish, I'm excited to offer language lessons or informal tutoring sessions. Beyond languages, my love for Latin dance means I'm always ready to teach a few moves to anyone interested in salsa or bachata rhythms. My diverse hobbies also allow me to share insights into culinary arts, gardening, or even the intricacies of board games and DIY projects. Whether it's teaching the basics of photography or discussing the latest in technology and innovation, I'm eager to share my knowledge and skills.

Learn: My journey is one of continuous learning, driven by an insatiable curiosity about the world and its myriad cultures. I'm particularly interested in deepening my understanding of local customs, traditions, and cuisines from the places I visit. Learning new languages and dance forms, exploring advancements in science and technology, and understanding different perspectives on wellness and animal welfare are just a few areas where I seek growth. I'm also keen on expanding my knowledge in psychology, economics, and literature, believing that every person I meet has unique insights and experiences from which I can learn.

Share: Sharing is at the heart of my travel experiences. I believe in the power of stories to connect people, and I'm always ready to share tales from my travels, including the diverse cultures I've encountered within Egypt and beyond. From discussing the architectural marvels of the Philae Temple and Abu Simbel to the cultural significance of local festivals, I aim to bring the world closer to my hosts and fellow travelers. I'm also excited to share my culinary experiments, perhaps cooking a traditional Egyptian meal or exploring local markets for ingredients to create a dish together. Sharing also means participating in volunteer activities, engaging in community projects, or simply spending time in nature or exploring the local scene, always with an eye towards mutual respect and understanding.

Länder, die ich besucht habe

United Kingdom

Länder, in denen ich gelebt habe


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